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  • Writer's pictureKhyati Chaturvedi

Packed with Undying Gratitude & Love: Barry Muir's 'There You Were' glimmers as a beam of light!

Barry Muir
Barry Muir

Hailing from the city of Toronto, Canada, Barry Muir has been a vivacious contributor to the life of the music industry for a really long time. Barry has released an album every year after numerous musical assimilations and encounters with great musicians, with credits of it all going to the legendary song producer Bob Rock. Barry has always envisioned hope and the depiction of truth in his music, and this can be easily spotted in this new single.'There You Were' feels like a glimmering ray of hope when one's life is in despair and extreme turmoil, like yearning to find true bonding with someone yet failing most of the time, only to realise someday that they've accidentally shown up as an angel. Experience this beautiful anecdotal symphony and many more with the authentic Barry Muir!

A soothing acoustic mirror to the mere sense of evolving from a past to a beaming present, this is a true feel-good moment.

A soothing acoustic number that feels like a comfort pillow, it feels like a sonic shoulder to cry on. Seal packed in his latest album 'In the Meantime', it is a verse about someone you adore and endure as potentially close and is a great way of expressing gratitude to them. A word of truth coming from a kind heart, this feels like the purest form of expression of love to show someone how much they really mean to you. With elements of electric guitar intertwining beautifully with the mellows of the song, 'There You Were' feels like waking up from a vinyl dream! It is a surreal reminder to love the breathing beings around you, who've done whatever they could to see you smile.

Test this enchanting melody down below -

Barry Muir
Barry Muir

We got a chance to interact with the infamous and get to know the epic tale behind the song's creation one-on-one. Let's dive further into what he had to say -

1. Barry, your pace of work and aura truly inspire everyone. What are your sources of creativity and musical inspiration?

I think when you’ve gone through a life-changing experience like I did, with a motorcycle accident 11 years ago, it makes you realize exactly what is important to you. For some reason that incident sparked a desire in me to totally engulf myself in creating music, making it my mission in life.

2. What inspired you to create this nostalgic-fueled masterpiece?

In a nutshell, I met someone when I wasn’t looking. Sometimes people show up in your life unexpectedly. Whether it’s for a long time or a short time they can change the direction of your life immensely.

3. If all of us were being transposed on a different planet someday and we could only take one materialistic belonging with us, what would you pick and why?

Easy! My beloved Martin 000-18 acoustic guitar. Guitar players will understand.

4. What kind of music do you seek comfort and get lost in?

I still can get lost in listening to early Elton John albums. Countless times I’ve listened to Goodbye Yellow Brick Road in its entirety. I’m a product of the 70’s and 1973 seemed to produce so many of my favorite albums.

5. 'There You Were' is a timeless masterpiece. How would you describe the mood of the track?

Thank you. I think the guitar hook in the intro is a melancholy melody that brings you into the song right away, but the message is somewhat inspirational. The video conveys a moment in time where in nature, you can reflect on the joy that someone has unexpectedly brought into your life.

6. Is there any artist living or dead that you'd want to work with?

Yes. I played in The Blue Shadows, a band from Vancouver with Billy Cowsill who was one of the most talented musicians I’ve known. He passed away 20 years ago. I wish we had the chance to make a few more records. We were just hitting our stride when things fell apart.

7. How do you overcome your creative blocks when it comes to songwriting?

I haven’t had one yet, it seems every time I pick up my guitar there’s something on my mind. That being said, I think the commitment and discipline that Jonne Stacey, Lucy LeBlanc and I have as writing partners, getting together twice a month really keeps us on track. By the end of the year, we have a lot of songs to choose from.

8. Your soundtracks are metaphorically multi-dimensional. How would you wish to be perceived as an artist?

I’m a singer-songwriter simply enjoying what I do and if my music makes people feel good then I’m doing my job. I’m always looking to improve all aspects of my musicianship, singing, writing, and recording and I really believe the best is yet to come. I’ll forever be an artist in development.

9. Is there a behind-the-stage moment(s) associated with this song's production?

I originally heard trumpets doing the ba ba ba ba parts in the chorus. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we couldn’t find a trumpet player, so we decided to just keep my singing the trumpet parts in the track.

10. How do you separate your personal ongoings and professional life from conveying emotions through your music?

It’s almost schizophrenic in my approach. You really must try and turn everything off in your mind when you’re writing or recording. It takes a lot of training, that I’m still working on, to try and block out those annoying things that take up too much space in your head. I’m learning to let go.



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