Hailing from Faversham, England, The Marsh Family is a magical music collective, a real-life family that shelters a burning passion for music and creates melodies with each of their unique talents. Working with the fundraiser charity Save The Children, this family leaves no chance to help those around them who need it. Since 2020, The Marsh Family has been entertaining millions of people worldwide with their home-produced videos and insightful parodies, and they plan to continue this for a long time.
With heavenly harmonies and pick’n’mix musical instruments, The Marsh Family's "Universal Child" is a song for every troubled child of this generation.
With a distinctive key change and swelling bells and harmonics driving the record forward with all its might, The Marsh Family's latest single, " Universal Child," is a magnificent track relatable for everyone worldwide. Ella and Tess emotively end the track on lead vocals, but every family member delivers one of Lennox’s powerful lyrical phrases.
Test this awesome melody down here:
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