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  • Writer's pictureLakshita Jain

Dancing Dandelions: Alicia Daydreams' 'remedy' makes you fall in love with her

Discovering her love and passion for music at a very young, Alicia Daydreams has been creating music since she was a child, starting with crafting rhythms by humming her tunes to sculpting astonishing melodies as well as cover songs. Alicia finds music as an achievement and wishes to share her rapturous harmonies with the entire world through all platforms possible, ripping through the clouds of obstacles standing between her and her desires. Making music that connects directly to your soul, Alicia is not a pigeon in the cage of genres the industry may force her to be. Her goal is to be herself and reflect the same in all her innovations.

Alicia Daydreams
Alicia Daydreams
Electrifying and Engaging: 'Remedy' is a union of relatable content, simple and connecting lyrics, and a most stunning tune, a perfect and catchy record.

You know the feeling when you know you cannot stay, and it condemns a conflict between your heart and brain? Alicia lets her brain and rationality win. In this release, 'Remedy', the artist expresses quite clearly how she and the other person cannot be together, and there is no "remedy" that could bring them together.

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